
Mondo Bath

Um.... So alot of things have fallen apart and wont get to be put back together...sometimes its too big or too small.. so you jack off on it? Oh well, tides turn or whatever....

Um a bunch of Tampa/Florida people have moved outa state or in the process of doing so.. so if you recognize them dont be scared to say hi, its weird growing up here

Neon Blud is on indefinite hiatus.. lp should maybe be out by winter or something..... but in its ashes another project is churning in a gutter and you may or may not hear anything about it in the new future....

My new band with the lovely Vivienne Rohan of Diet Cokeheads and (J)arlo Garret of St. Dad, American Snakeskin is about to play our first shows at the begining of the month

9/2 Pensacola, Fl @ sluggos with Pygmy Shrews, Vaz

9/3 NoLa @ Siberia with the Men, Grave Babies and tba

9/4 Gainesville @ Waywerd with the Men and Partial People

Merchandise is rock/rolling recording new material and jammin all over... Future releases include 2nd Lp on Katorga Werks and a tape on Night People

D. Vassalotti LP is stellarr!!! real milestone... total Felt/ Neil Young (trans) thing.. not to be missed.. its going to be out on Vinyl Rites

Dads new 7"/ lp will rip through yr soul/hole... Space rock 4 the retarded

Church Whip is releasing a 7'' courtesy of Corpse without soul/Fallow Field (I think) and a slew of live tapes (maybe) shuv da duv

............... um and some other stuff but whatever.. see ya in 6 months